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Discord: DCG | fabiusgold (fabiusgold_dcg)

Fabius Beckmann

Name: Fabius Beckmann
Discord: DCG | fabiusgold (fabiusgold_dcg)
Age: 22 years
Languages: Deutsch,Englisch
Hey my name is Fabius aka: fabiusgold. I'm a pretty small streamer with almost 300 followers now, but I'm happy about every new person who has fun with my streams. I mainly play gaming on my channel, sometimes just watch random funny videos and talk a lot about animes. I am happy about every person who would probably drop by on my channel and thank everyone who has done it so far: 3


Gaming und Comedy


Valorant,League Of Legengs, Genshin Impact, Warframe,Fortnite und vieles mehr

Social Media

Social Media Link: Media Link: Media Link: Media Link: Media Link:
VirtualLifeDE - Fabius Beckmann | GerVTuber @ VirtualLifeDE